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Monday, October 3, 2011

aku ingin berubah

Balik dari Korea, aku menyedari banyak sangat kelemahan aku apabila satu demi satu speaker bercakap di atas stage. Pulang dari Korea, aku nekad untuk improve diri aku menjadi lebih baik. Satu contoh lesson yang aku dapat adalah "dont be pushy". This lesson give big impact to me as since it also always advise by my beloved upline. Yes, before this i think there is no wrong push them to the good thing but now i learn i cannot push people to climb ladders. It do not work!! Just let them decide by their own as long as i have show them the way.

Second lesson i got is be organised.. Before this, i always think that i dont have time to clean my room, arrange my schedule, anyhing else that to me is small matters. But actually i must be organised. Like my friend said " how u want to organise big organisation if u cannot organise yourself. That i love most about herbalife ; keep learning.

Seminggu balik dr Korea, ak go to one by one my roomate to ask am i changing? Bcoz they know me the most. All of them said the same things they can see.

1-More positive
2-Lebih tenang
3-Image better. Picture atas gambar first extravaganza di Singapore. 2years before. Gambar di bawah the latest Zero to Hero in Port Dickson.

4-Pengemas compared dgn before

Alhamdullilah, all of this changing when i analyses has happen because of business dgn izin Allah. If i am not doing Herbalife, i think i don't have initiative to change. But in Herbalife, i have to change if i want my income change.

I know i lose many friends because of my attitude before. For example, my downline do not respect me by seeing my messy room before. I also almost break off the relationship with my old friend after tumpang her room for two days because of my mess. I also lose my downline that hate me push her before. All happen is because my attitude. But one thing i know, i love to change. Malah, my classmates can see how i love to read motivational book whenever i have time in class for the purpose to change my attitude.
The most thing i am afraid is remain the same. As i saw my friends; attitude after 5months holiday never change. Remain same. But nobody can be angry since they have no WHY why they must change their attitude. To them, having high marks is the most important without realising they become educated person with poor attitude. Naudzubillah.

Yes,i love to change myself. Walaupun kadang-kadang rasa geram dgn mereka yg mengata, mengutuk dan menjauhi aku bila mengetahui kelemahan aku, but now i felt very pity to them because maybe my attitude is bad before but i know i keep changing while they remain the same. Tq allah because open my heart,my soul to become better person that u love. I love Allah.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Wonderful memory in Korea

Aku baru pulang dari korea 4 hari lps kerana ada Herbalife university di Seoul. Disebabkan training ni, aku terpaksa ponteng kelas seminggu. Tapi seriously it is worth because antara negara negara lain yg pernah aku lawat, Korea yang paling aku suka dan kagum berbanding Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore ,Bali, dan Bangkok.

5 hari pertama di sana adalah musim summer, panas kering. Tiba di sana kami dibawa ke Nami Island, tempat lakonan Winter Sonata. Sangat best sebab tmpatnya agak romantik and a must go couple place. Then, kami pergi dia punya National Park. Then, check in di hotel. Hotel dia sangat best ada dapur, mattress and beranda yang sangat besar. Hotel termewah pernah aku duduk. Thank u Herbalife.

3 hari yang terakhir adalah paling best. Kerana di situ bermulanya training. 13,000 people from Asia Pasific that has the same shake as breakfast berkumpul. Macam macam perangai blh dilihat. We communicate using English but some country cannot speak english especially Korea, Japan and Taiwan. So most of the time, we use signal language. For example to exchange button,taking picture and also to buy water. But the funniest thing is Korean always talk to us in their language as if we understand their words. We reply in English that we dont understand their word. So, it just like anjing dan kucing bercakap. Anyway, we are family taking pic together and change card. Dan seperti biasa kami yg dari Malaysia biasa akan dikejar utk ditangkap gambar. To them,we look beautiful wearing tudung. Some of them ask why cover our head. We just smile and said our god ask to do so.

2hari terakhir ak sempat merasa autumn di sana. Malam sejuk yang sangat dasyat dengan angin yang kuat. Malam tu jugak kami makan ikan bakar dan round daerah Dong Dae Mong pada waktu malam. Then,sepupu yang bekerja di Korea sampai dan jadi tour guide kami. Blhla ciluk makan makanan ringan tepi gerai krn sepupu tau yg mana halal. Malam balik ke hotel, dia terpaksa temankan aku balik naik train. Biasa ak tak kisah gerak alone, tp aku takut kali ini kerana kalu aku tersesat jln, nobody can help me. Aku tak boleh tanya orang sebab almost all korean cannot speak english. So ,dia terpaksa temankan aku smpai ke hotel. Balik ke hotel, dia sempat jumpa my sponsor Hafiz and Maryam talk about Herbalife. Suprisingly, he interested to do Herbalife. Ha3. Welcome to Herbalife.

Esoknya, sebelum naik flight, kami smpt ke Kimchi Making School. Belajar mcm mana nak buat kimchi, mcm mana nak pakai their traditional attire. Then,we proceed to kilang membuat seeweed.

The picture above adalah gambar pasukan kiteorg sebaik sahaja habis training.Training Herbalife always superb and banyak tekankan personal development. Semua muka bercahaya dapat inspiration untuk kerja lebih kuat to reach our President Team.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Nilai sebuah kesihatan

Ketika aku menulis blog ni, hati ak sangat tak gembira memikirkan 2 minggu lg aku akan masuk belajar di uia selepas cuti 5 bulan. Cuti yang sekejap  memandangkan aku work as full time herbalife independent distributor. Saat ini,aku tengah berada di farmasi baiduri utk praktikal. Praktikal yg sepatut 2minggu ak dapat selesaikan 3 hari sahaja. Thanks to my roomate, muni yg tolong utk dapatkan izin bertugas disana.

Hari pertama aku bertugas, nothing special. Ak just sit di situ utk 3 jam shj. Hihi. Amik kesempatan kerana pharmacist ni tak strict langsung. Hihi.

Hari kedua, ak banyak berborak dgn pekerja di kaunter. Tiba2 dtg seorg kakak usia lewat 40 an. Dia membeli 2 pampers utk org tua, susu utk diabetic, jarum suntikan, surgical wrap dan beberapa lagi. Aku cuba tersenyum dan bertanya "utk mak ke?". Dia jawap pendek "utk suami.' Ak terkedu.

Selepas itu, sepasang adik beradik lelaki dan perempuan datang dengan muka sugul. Dia ke ruang wheelchairs. Dia pum tanya harga setiap satu wheelchair. Harga wheelchair around rm400-rm600. Then, dia tanya any discount penuh dengan pengharapan. I just heard kakak pekerja said that price has already given discount already. He said he need wheelchair for travelling. The,a pharmacist there ask what condition the patient. He said " untuk mak sy. Dia dah potong kaki sbb kencing manis. Kami dah ada wheelchair utk kegunaan dirumah tp we need wheelchair utk bawa dia jln. At that time, air mata sy hampir menitis. Di mana nilai kesihatan?

Saya tiba teringat kata beberapa sahabat sy yg herbalife shake is very expensive. Mahal sgt ke shake herbalife compared dengan hadapi situation ini? Which one kita nk choose? Income kita dpt every month digunakan untuk mkn sedap tapi tak berkhasiat and all saving will used when we sick at old age or compared dgn kita invest 2% of our income to give nutrition for our body and feel healthy,active and we have healthy ageing process dan tk perlu menyusah later.

Even, if money is not our problem, berbaloi kah kita rosakkan badan, masa muda and habiskan masa tua kita diatas kerusi roda dan mkn susu stp hari. Plg tak pum, tolongla kasihan pada anak  kita yg terpaksa menjaga kita,menghabiskan masa antar kita ke rumah sakit.

Saat rancak je tulis ,mata terpandang seorg lelaki berkopiah dan berbaju punjabi putih masuk dengan sebelah kaki dan bertopang. Dia pergi ke kaunter dan terus keluar. Ak menuju ke kaunter dan tanya pd kakak,apa yg dia nk. Kakak tu ckp dia minta sedekah. Lagi, lututku bergetar, sedihnya dgn apa yg kulihat td.

Aku sedih dgn condition ini apalagi memang malaysia nombor 1 kencing manis dunia. Ramai orang menggangap perkara ini biasa tapi bagi aku kita dilahirkan dlm keadaan sihat tanpa sebarang masalah kesihatan dan kita wajar mati dlm keadaan sebegitu juga. Badan kita amanah allah bg dan allah dah kata jgn binasakan diri sendiri tp apa yg kita buat? Maybe kita kena jwp kat akhirat knp tak jaga amanah yang diberi.

So, kawan-kawan, jaga badan kita. It does not mean, u must eat Herbalife product only to be healthy but lihatla dan kawalla pemakanan kita setiap hari. Tak berbaloi makanan yang sedap di mulut sekejap tapi merosakkan kehidupan tua kita.

my 2nd year with herbalife

Hai,bertemu lagi. Hampir setahun aku tidak nenulis blog. Jujur aku katakan menulis bkn kemahiran aku tapi ak belajar kerana aku tau blog ini boleh menjadi diari journey kejayaan aku kemudian hari.

Alhamdulillah, sedar tak sedar sudah 2 tahun aku bersama herbalife. Another one the most challenging year to go. Many leaders said the three first year is the most challenging time with herbalife. First year, banyak melibatkan changing of attitude. Second year, bru ak faham dan menjiwai mission herbalife which to provide the best nutrition and business opportunity in the world.
Ak mula memahami ilmu demi ilmu yg disampaikan di training oversea. It takes 2years!.

The first three year is only warm up. Now time to go to three years, i learn another skill which leadership skill. The most challenging skill to me. Leadership it all about to attract people not to find people. Here, i start to learn how to recruit. And it is really the most hardest part. Before this, i just work alone. This time, i have to work together n show the good example.

After two years in herbalife, i learn to really socialize with herbalife people. I just really feel from bottom of my heart that they are my family. That kind of feeling make me feel missing when they are not around. They also always give motivation and support.
My family
In the most funniest season,where there are some controversial issue that herbalife cause hepatoxicity. My friend that same with my course pharmacy are really enggrosed to blame herbalife in her blog that with 4 parts.

I just keep quiet at the earlier but i think i must said something. I write the comment said" if herbalife cause hepatoxicity,try to find only ONE man in malaysia that got hepatoxicity with herbalife. And in my journey helping people to be healthy, i have heard thousands people in malaysia that got hepatoxicity with drugs. So,dont be too proud to be pharmacists."

Sincerely from bottom my heart, i hate to promote drug that more destroy than cure. I got many customers that have a lot of side effect because of using drugs in long term. And i have a lots of customers that improve their health by taking herbalife nutrition.
So let choose good nutrition for our body.:)