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Sunday, August 28, 2011

my 2nd year with herbalife

Hai,bertemu lagi. Hampir setahun aku tidak nenulis blog. Jujur aku katakan menulis bkn kemahiran aku tapi ak belajar kerana aku tau blog ini boleh menjadi diari journey kejayaan aku kemudian hari.

Alhamdulillah, sedar tak sedar sudah 2 tahun aku bersama herbalife. Another one the most challenging year to go. Many leaders said the three first year is the most challenging time with herbalife. First year, banyak melibatkan changing of attitude. Second year, bru ak faham dan menjiwai mission herbalife which to provide the best nutrition and business opportunity in the world.
Ak mula memahami ilmu demi ilmu yg disampaikan di training oversea. It takes 2years!.

The first three year is only warm up. Now time to go to three years, i learn another skill which leadership skill. The most challenging skill to me. Leadership it all about to attract people not to find people. Here, i start to learn how to recruit. And it is really the most hardest part. Before this, i just work alone. This time, i have to work together n show the good example.

After two years in herbalife, i learn to really socialize with herbalife people. I just really feel from bottom of my heart that they are my family. That kind of feeling make me feel missing when they are not around. They also always give motivation and support.
My family
In the most funniest season,where there are some controversial issue that herbalife cause hepatoxicity. My friend that same with my course pharmacy are really enggrosed to blame herbalife in her blog that with 4 parts.

I just keep quiet at the earlier but i think i must said something. I write the comment said" if herbalife cause hepatoxicity,try to find only ONE man in malaysia that got hepatoxicity with herbalife. And in my journey helping people to be healthy, i have heard thousands people in malaysia that got hepatoxicity with drugs. So,dont be too proud to be pharmacists."

Sincerely from bottom my heart, i hate to promote drug that more destroy than cure. I got many customers that have a lot of side effect because of using drugs in long term. And i have a lots of customers that improve their health by taking herbalife nutrition.
So let choose good nutrition for our body.:)

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