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Friday, February 20, 2015

It is all about nutrition

Alhamdulillah.  Masih lagi diberi kekuatan dan kesihatan untuk bekerja. Blog kali ini rojak malay and english. Hehe. Pagi tadi,  saya di pasar kuala besut pagi tadi bersama kawan yang juga student maktab, Amin for wellness evaluation . Suami ketika itu ada appointment dengan customer di kelab kami. Then, di booth Amin berjumpa 2 kawan perempuan maktab di IPG Sultan Mizan. Then, tiba-tiba aku tertanya mereka yang agak overwight, dh minum shake ke? Mereka menggeleng. Dan aku tanya why. Diorang pum ask back mengapa they have to take Herbalife shake??

Peristiwa itu membuat aku mengimbau kenangan mengapa aku minum Herbalife shake sebagai breakfast 6 tahun yang lepas ketika tahun pertama belajar farmasi di UIA.
Gambar ketika zaman universiti

Why Herbalife shake??

Sincerely deep from my heart i felt so such a loss to those who dont take Herbalife shake as breakfast. It is all about NUTRITION.

In this Formula 1 cans, there are complete nutrition that our body need every single day. If i ask u what is your breakfast today, definitely it will be nasi lemak, mi goreng, biskut and roti. Is it healthy?? Definitely not healthy at all and dont give you good nutrition. So why not change to healthy and balance breakfast in just one glass of delicious shake that very simple to made.

How about if i dont have breakfast?

 It is much more cruel to your body.

Anybody yang tak breakfast just like you ask your body work without give the fuel needed. Your metabolism will drop, your immune system become weak and and your body will become more easier to gain weight.
Dulu having very low energy, now really fueled the power of nutrition. Malah time pregnant pum, energy remain same and still can be active like usual.

Remain active ketika 9 bulan pregnant

So as conclusion, kita memang memerlukan breakfast setiap hari. So why not change to nonsense breakfast to healthy shake every single day. The price is almost same. It is the reason why i never miss my shake every single day for more that 6 years.

Saya tahu ramai  yang kurang ilmu pemakanan and dont aware about what they eat every single day termasuk both of that student.That why our mission is to spread NUTRITION to everybody.

Alhamdulillah, selepas diterangkan kepentingan shake, both of them decide to start Herbalife shake as their breakfast every single day. Anybody outside want to start have Herbalife shake as healthy breakfast, kindly can contact me 0169450897.

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